Very simple studio intentions for the year ahead.
This time of year, I typically narrow down ideas for a “word” for the new year. I’ve done this for the past 5 years or so. And I’ve also started gathering a list of “words” and broader intentions for my studio work. Fellow artists/creatives, if you’ve never considered keeping a list of “intentions” for your work, here’s a great podcast episode on intentions on The Messy Studio Podcast I’d highly recommend.
And here’s a really simple list of words I’m thinking on lately in studio. When I look at these in relation to 2-D art-making they spark a lot of ideas for me. I’d love to know if they do the same for you. I hope you can glean from this list for your own creative purposes—whether it’s traditional art making or not.
adjective – requiring a long time; low, gentle
noun – honor or respect felt or shown
noun – something that makes vision possible
noun – rate of movement or progress
adjective – unfaltering, stable, dependable, not easily disturbed or upset
adjective - having a distinctive or emphasized character
noun – a period of temporary delay; an interval of rest or relief
adverb – very nearly but not exactly or entirely
noun – physical space independent of what occupies it
noun – a balance maintained
adjective – lacking material substance; celestial, heavenly, unworldly
adjective – completely free from concealment; presenting no obstacle to passage or view
All words cited from: 2021. (2023).